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Our Research in Action Awards took place on October 17, 2024, here in New York City at the beautiful Angel Orensanz Foundation, where we honored an exceptional group of the most brilliant activists and leaders in the fight to end HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and hepatitis C (HCV). Tamrin Goldberg was our host once again, and her friend, performer Derrick Davis, sang a moving rendition of “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” from the musical Carousel. We even had a very competitive live auction of two VIP tickets to Moulin Rouge! The Musical on Broadway. The full event was livestreamed, and we’ll post that recording soon. Thank you to everyone who helped make this evening a success: TAG’s staff, our honorees, and our loyal supporters. We’ll see you next year!
Dafina Ward, JD
Executive Director, Southern AIDS Coalition
Cynthia Carr
Author and Activist
Keith Alcorn
former Senior Editor, aidsmap
Lifetime in Action Award
Tom Viola
Commitment in Action Award
Joe McConnell
Tamrin Goldberg
2024 Limited Art Edition
by David Nelson
The 2024 TAG Limited Art Edition was supported by a generous grant from the Marta Heflin Foundation.
You can still make a DONATION
The Legacy Circle is a dedicated group of past RIAA honorees who continue to support the work of TAG through a generous contribution.
Ivy Kwan Arce, 2021
Dr. Judith Auerbach, 2006
Scott Campbell, 2010
Guillermo Chacón, 2023
Jon Cohen, 2012
Lynda M. Dee, Esq., 2000
Dr. Steven Deeks, 2010
Dr. Kelly Elise Dooley, 2022
NY State Senator Thomas K. Duane, 2005
Jim Eigo, 2015
Joseph Evall, JD, 2017
David France, 2019
Jennifer J. Furin, MD, 2023
Charles King, 2017
Erica Lessem, 2021
Amanda Lugg, 2019
Laura Morrison, 2022
Sally Morrison, 2008
Ann Northrop, 2022
David Hyde Pierce, 2009
Asa Radix, MD, PhD, MPH, FIDSA, 2023
Wafaa El-Sadr, 1998
Dr. Bruce R. Schackman, 2005
Karl Schmid, 2022
Dr. Jack Steever, 2019
Jane Silver, 2003
Tom Viola, 2000
Wakefield, 2020
Dr. Jack Whitescarver, 2015
Jenna Wolfe, 2018
Thank you to all our donors.
The Debs Foundation
Jameel Jiwani, thank you to Carol, Rafique, Alex, Nick, Milton, Fred, Whitney, Chrissy, John, Hannes, and Cam for coming tonight and supporting TAG!
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
The Gluckstern Family, in honor of Mark Harrington, Tom Viola, and Joe McConnell for all the good work they have done and continue to do in this world
Marta Heflin Foundation
Richard Lynn and Joseph Evall, in honor of the amazing TAG community
Rob Lennon and Mark Gilrain
The Hargrove Pierce Foundation, in honor of Tom Viola
Mark Sexton and W. Kirk Wallace
The Stanley and Joyce Black Family Foundation
Kevin and Neil Goetz
Laura Morrison
Ivy and Alex Arce, in honor of Sally Cooper and Joe Sonnabend
Bob Bronzo
Karen Bronzo Rabb and Jefferson Rabb
Ama Burnham
Callen-Lorde, in honor of Tom Viola
Mrinal Vikram and Kevin Finnegan
Greg Hoffman
Mark Harrington, in honor of TAG supporters, staff, and board, and Judith M. and Richard Harrington
Robert Monteleone, in honor of Steven Chickery
Dr. Bruce Schackman and Ed Sikov
Amida Care
Jim Aquino, in honor of Joe McConnell
John Duane and Mary Northridge
Housing Works
Mike McCune, in memory of Marty Delaney
Ken and Julian McKenna
Mirla and George Morrison
Maura and Brian Packham, in honor of the amazing Bob Bronzo
Ian Thompson
Ruke Ufomata, in honor of Ama Burnham
Barry Wolf, in honor of Robert Lennon
Philip Barker, in memory of Joseph Coleman
Linda Gattegno Berghoff, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Mary Casey
Jennifer Furin
Judy Gluckstern, in honor of Michael Palm
Carolina Guizar
Thao Hong and Cuong Pham
Kate Lear and Dr. Jonathan LaPook, in honor of Robert Monteleone
Latino Commission on AIDS
Michael Longacre, in memory of Tony Ortiz
Sally Morrison
Elizabeth Nieves
Kathleen O’Leary, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Jamie Saakvitne, in honor of Joe McConnell
Max von Zuben, in honor of Kevin Goetz
Shermona Mapp Akotia, in honor of Ama Burhnam
Michele Araujo
Diego Arones
Ian Bailey
A. Cornelius Baker
Scott Campbell
Lynda Dee
Dr. Steven Deeks
Paul Dietz
Jim Eigo, in memory of David Byar, NCI
Joy Episalla
Lisa Feldstein
Keisha Flint, in honor of Ama Burnham
NYS Assembly Member Deborah J. Glick
Ron Goldberg
Sara Goldberg
Dr. Stefan Goldberg
Dawne Hood
Yuki Iswashiro
Sung Kil, in honor of Ivy Arce
John Lanasa, in honor of Bob Bronzo and Jim Aquino
Joseph Lauretano, in honor of UNITED/Bob Bronzo and Jim Aquino
Jay Leitz, in honor of Joe McConnell
Claire Lennon, in honor of Robert Lennon
Joe McConnell and Erik Haagensen
Fraser Mooney
Ann Northrop
Tom Postilio and Mickey Conlon
David Puente
Robert H. Remien
Michael Rochon
Greig Sargeant, “in honor of Bob Bronzo!!! Love, Beverly Carlton”
Karl Schmid
Lousine Shamamian
Jane Silver
Dr. Jack Steever
Monte Steinman, in honor of Joe McConnell
Dennis Trunfio
Tanya Walker
Forrest Williams
Mark Ansell
Jim Aquino
Erica Baum
Bob Belknap
Joy Bivins
Laura Blair, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Guillermo Chacon
Winsome Amy Ching, in honor of Ama Burnham
Fred Chaburro
Joe Chiplock
Arthur Chu
Deb Daniels
Lynda Dee
Chad Donnick
Dr. Kelly Elise Dooley
Jim Edwards
Susan Fisher
Pamela Fornieri, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Adam Gaffney
Mark Gilrain
Dennis Giza, in honor of Rob Lennon and Joe McConnell
Ron Goldberg, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Serge and Lisa Goldberg
Mark Haney, in honor of Jason Brock
Alex Henderson, in honor of Jameel Jiwani
Jennifer Herman, in honor of Bob Bronzo, Jim Aquino and the team at TAG
Christin Hinkle, in honor of Ama Burnham
Jonathon Hochhauser, in honor of Rob Lennon
Richard Jefferys – in memory of Carlos Arboleda
Rafique Jiwani
Jeffrey Allen Johnson
Lucas Kade, in honor of Jason Kirk and Joe McConnell
Dana Katz, in honor of Richard Lynn
Christopher Kaufmann, in honor of Robert Lennon
Mr. Keyes
Jason Kirk, in honor of the amazing TAG staff!
Kevin Krizan
Doug Landy, in honor of Julian Chung
Margaret Lennon
Joe Lauretano
Erica Lessem, in honor of Joe McConnell
Jay Leitz, in memory of Steve Chickery
Joseph Lewis
Whitney Maxwell, in honor of Amy
Milton Medina, in honor of Jameel Jiwani
Kristin Milot
Sabrina Guerrero-Morris, in honor of Joe McConnell
William Nye, in memory of Joseph P. Wells
Jason Osher, in honor of Joe McConnell and Tom Viola
Thomas Panzone
Elle Chody Paul
Nicholas Pisano
Chrissy Previti, in honor of Jameel Jiwani
Christopher Reick
Donnie Roberts, in honor of Tom Viola
Karen Saltser, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Karl Schmid
Virginia Shubert
Brandon Smith
Caroline Smith
Kimberleigh Smith
Jack Steever, for Robert
Natasha Sunderam, in honor of Ama Burnham
Robert Suttle
Nick Tertinek
Craig Torrie
Carol Tosone, in honor of Laura Morrison
Andrew Vernon, in honor of Mark Harrington, Mike Frick, and Lindsay McKenna
Sunita Viswanath, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Craig Wallace
Karen Waller
Dafina Ward
Dorrit Walsh, in honor of Joe McConnell
EJ Weppler
Dr. Jack Whitescarver
Eduardo Wong, in honor of Ivy Arce
Marianne Yen
If you missed 2023’s event, you can get information, watch the entire event, and see photos here.
Our Research in Action Awards are an important fundraising event that allows us continue our work aimed at finally ending the epidemics of HIV, hepatitis C, and tuberculosis. Since the first award was given in 1997, RIAA has raised over 4.6 million dollars. Here’s a complete list of our previous honorees.

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