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Mark Harrington, Executive Director

Photo of Riko Boone

Cheriko Boone – HIV Project Director

Black and white photo of a black man with a goatee, smiling, and wearing a striped collarless shirt against a dark background

Antar T. Bush – HIV Community Engagement Manager

Photo of Joelle Dountio Ofimboudem

Joelle Dountio Ofimboudem – Acting HCV Project Director

Photo of Mike Frick

Mike Frick TB Project Co-Director

Photo of Chris George

Christopher George – Director of Finance

Photo of Sabrina Guerrero Morris

Sabrina Guerrero-Morris – Director of Operations & Human Resources

Photo of Richard Jefferys

Richard Jefferys – Basic Science, Vaccines, and Cure Project Director

Photo of Lucas Kade - black and white photo of white person with glasses and a nose ring, wearing a black and white patterned shirt

Lucas Kade – Grants Manager

Photo of Jason Kirk

Jason Kirk Chief Operating Officer

photo of smiling black woman wtih curly hair, wearing a sleeveless dress, along with hoop earrings and a necklace

De’Ashia Lee – ACT NOW END AIDS (ANEA) Coalition Director

Photo of Elizabeth Lovinger

Elizabeth (Lizzy) Lovinger – U.S. and Global Health Policy Director

black woman wearing a white shirt and dark jacket, looking right into the camera

Kendall Martinez-Wright – Government Relations & Policy Associate

Photo of blond woman with glasses smiling with New York City in the background

Erin McConnell – Senior TB Project Associate

Photo of Lindsay McKenna

Lindsay McKenna –TB Project Co-Director

black and white photo of Natalie Shure

Natalie Shure – Programmatic Communications Coordinator

Photo of Dorrit Walsh

Dorrit Walsh – Communications Director

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