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HIV Updates From CROI: The Good, the Bad, and the Long-Acting

  • Dorrit Walsh
On April 15 TAG presented, "HIV Updates From CROI: The Good, the Bad, and the Long-Acting." This free webinar unpacked the most significant developments in HIV research presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection (CROI), and what they mean for communities affected by HIV.
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Update on HIV Vaccine Research

  • Dorrit Walsh

Developing an HIV vaccine is a difficult scientific challenge, but remains a critical priority. This handout provides an update on HIV vaccine research and a summary of results from the efficacy trials that have been conducted to date, and it…

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HIV Science Fact Sheet

  • Dorrit Walsh

HIV science can be difficult to understand. This handout explains some of the unique scientific challenges presented by HIV. The handout was developed in collaboration with the Black AIDS Institute, HIV Vaccine Trials Network, and Southern AIDS Coalition.

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Cover of investment in HIV research profoundly benefits the COVID-19 Response

Investment in HIV Research Profoundly Benefits the COVID-19 Response

  • Dorrit Walsh
This policy brief discusses how investment in HIV research has profoundly benefitted the COVID-19 response, and advocates that continued financial support for HIV science can both ensure progress on COVID-19 and avoid losing ground—and lives—in the fight to end the HIV epidemic.
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HIV & Aging

  • Chad Cipiti
A resource listing of articles, reports, websites, and ongoing clinical trials related to HIV and aging.
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