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TAG Statement on 2024 National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD)

  • Dorrit Walsh
In the collective effort to engage, educate, and empower advocates around the ongoing impacts on Black communities, and to raise awareness around persistent and new threats to equitably ending the HIV epidemic, this National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day beckons us to confront the shadows that linger within our communities, specifically among our Black and Brown queer community members.
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Cover of November 2022 TAGline: Reads "TAG at 30" and is an illustration of various protest signs. "Free the Vaccine," "Silence = Death," "Cough Up the TB Money," "Stigma Spreads Disease," etc.

TAGline November 2022

  • Dorrit Walsh
This year’s edition of TAGline commemorates TAG’s 30th anniversary, and these articles explore TAG’s work over the years: what we've accomplished, what we've learned, the continuing obstacles to progress, and what comes next.
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In This Together: Virtual End the Epidemic Town Hall

  • Dorrit Walsh
On Friday April 24th, 2020 ANEA hosted a virtual gathering for HIV/AIDS community organizations and leaders involved in "Ending the Epidemic" state, local, or community initiatives that are experiencing disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic.
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TAGline Spring 2018

  • Chad Cipiti
Bend the Curves: Incremental change—activism that successfully defends or advances critical research or policy—can sometimes feel inconsequential, particularly when it is hard won, resource intensive, and intangible.
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