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2023 Annual Report

  • Dorrit Walsh
We're pleased to share with you our latest Annual Report, which highlights everything we accomplished in 2023.
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Research Toward a Cure Trials

  • Dorrit Walsh
A listing of clinical trials and observational studies related to the research effort to cure HIV infection, mainly derived from the online registry. Click the trial registry identifier numbers for a link to the full entry containing detailed information on the trial design, enrollment criteria, principal investigators and location(s).
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Treatment Action Group Calls on NY City Council to Override and Mayor Adams to Reverse Egregious Cuts to New York City HIV Funding

  • Dorrit Walsh
In response to disheartening news of the proposed $5.3 million cut in HIV/AIDS funding by the Adams administration, we at Treatment Action Group (TAG) express our resolute opposition, in solidarity with our partner organizations that would be harmed by the egregious, unconscionable cuts to HIV services and programs in New York City.
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Image that reads: 2024 HIV Cure Research Community Workshop. White text on a mostly green background

2024 Pre-CROI Community HIV Cure Research Workshop

  • Dorrit Walsh
The 2024 Pre-CROI Community HIV Cure Research Workshop took place on Saturday, March 2nd in Denver. This year’s workshop had a shorter format than in the past, but we plan to return to an all-day event in the future.
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Story: CRISPR-Based Cure for HIV “could be months away”

  • Dorrit Walsh

October/November 2023 Media coverage: CRISPR gene therapy appears safe, but claims of an imminent HIV cure are premature - Liz Highleyman, AIDSMap, November 3, 2023 Cure for HIV could be months away as first three patients are injected with new…

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HCV Elimination Among People Living with and at Risk of HIV: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Dorrit Walsh
Following the White House’s recent proposal for a National Hepatitis C Elimination Plan as part of its Fiscal Year 2024 budget request to Congress, and the fact that key populations for HIV are also at high risk of HCV, Treatment Action Group is organizing a webinar that will highlight best practices and challenges for HCV elimination with a specific focus on high-burden populations.
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