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Cover of report - HIV Cure research information sheet

HIV Cure Research Information Sheet

  • Dorrit Walsh
Research into curing HIV infection is ever-changing as new discoveries are made and scientists report additional rare — but informative — cases of individuals likely cured of HIV.
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Image of the front of December 2022 TAG Update

2022 TAG Update

  • Dorrit Walsh
As we look forward to an end of an extremely challenging year—and past four years—we reflect on the remarkable resilience and impact of TAG, even and especially in these dark times.
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Public Comment Submitted to the Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability (ACBTSA)

  • Dorrit Walsh
Comment submitted prior to their meeting on November 17, 2022. Comment is in regard to discussion and voting on recommendation related to implementation of the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act of 2013, specifically pertaining to HIV-positive to HIV-positive organ transplantation and pertaining to the following draft recommendation under consideration regarding removal of the statutory “NIH Research Criteria and IRB” requirement.
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Let’s Talk! HIV Vaccines 101

  • Dorrit Walsh
On May 18, 2022, Treatment Action Group (TAG), the Black AIDS Institute (BAI), and the Southern AIDS Coalition  (SAC) participated in this fun and informative Instagram Live discussion commemorating HIV Vaccine Awareness. Day.
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