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2023 Annual Report

  • Dorrit Walsh
We're pleased to share with you our latest Annual Report, which highlights everything we accomplished in 2023.
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1/4/6×24 Mid-Campaign Report Launch Webinar

  • Dorrit Walsh
On March 27, 2024, the 1/4/6x24 Campaign and the Stop TB Partnership co-hosted a webinar to launch the Campaign’s new report: Getting Better Faster: Delivering on the Promise of New TB Treatments.
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2024 CROI Tuberculosis Research Round Up

  • Dorrit Walsh
Treatment Action Group (TAG) welcomes the tuberculosis (TB) data presented at the 2024 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). The highlights presented here cover the results of several phase II TB prevention and treatment trials.
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Policy Issue Briefs: BARDA and ARPA-H

  • Dorrit Walsh
These two policy briefs explore two as yet untapped sources for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) research funding within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
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Covers of two publications: After Tuberculosis Exposure - Tips for protecting yourself and the people in your life. Second cover reads: Sharing your tuberculosis diagnosis with the people in your life: Tips for engaging their support. Both say they're written by Jennifer Furin and Busisiwe Beko, and Edited by Mike Frick and Lynette Mabote. The predominant colors are blue, dark red and white. Logos that appear are: TAG, IMPAACT4TB, The Aurum Institute and Unitaid

TPT Community Materials

  • Dorrit Walsh
These free educational materials are designed for community-based and civil society organizations to use to advocate for and teach people about TB preventive treatment (TPT).
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