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The ABC for a TB Activist: 1/4/6×24 Campaign and Supportive Diagnostics

  • Dorrit Walsh
On 15 June, 2023, TB Europe Coalition (TBEC) organized a webinar featuring a presentation by Treatment Action Group’s TB Project Officer, David Branigan, on the practical actions advocates can take to promote the adoption and scale up of shorter, safer 1/4/6 regimens for TB prevention and the treatment of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB as well as supportive diagnostics.
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  • Dorrit Walsh
Supporting, Mobilizing, and Accelerating Research for Tuberculosis Elimination (SMART4TB) is a five-year cooperative agreement made possible by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with the assistance of the American people, that aims to transform tuberculosis (TB) prevention and care.
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Why Hepatitis C Virus Care Remains Inaccessible

  • Dorrit Walsh
This policy brief explores barriers such as the high-burden among marginalized communities, the complicated diagnostic process, and the difficulties of finding the missing millions of people with HCV in most high-burden countries.
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cover of publication, black with white and red text that reads: 35 years of Art fo end AIDS

35 Years of Art to End AIDS Exhibition Catalog

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG is presenting the exhibition “35 Years of Art to End AIDS” at Melissa Morgan Fine Art in Palm Desert, California, from March 17 through April 7, 2023. This exhibit features selected works form our Limited Art Editions collection.
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1/4/6×24 Campaign Videos

  • Dorrit Walsh

All people affected by TB have a right to benefit from scientific progress and to access the best-available short-course regimens for TB prevention and treatment. The 1/4/6x24 Campaign demands that countries and other duty bearers take action to implement the…

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For World TB Day, TB Advocates Demand Universal Access to Shorter, Safer TB Regimens

  • Dorrit Walsh
On March 24, World Tuberculosis (TB) Day offers an opportunity to take stock of global progress against the deadliest disease in human history. This year, we face a sobering reality: since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of TB infection and death are higher than they’ve been since the early 2000s, setting back an already woefully inadequate effort to end the disease.
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1 / 4 / 6 x 24

  • Dorrit Walsh
Inspired by the legacy of Dr. Paul Farmer, the 1 / 4 / 6 x 24 Campaign calls for the “staff, stuff, space, systems and support” necessary to make groundbreaking short-course TB prevention and treatment regimens accessible to all who need them as a human right by the end of 2024.
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