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Story: HIV Short Film, “Right To Try”

  • Dorrit Walsh

December 2021 Update, June 2022: The purported researcher responsible for the experiment described in this film, Serhat Gumrukcu, was indicted for murder-for-hire at the end of May 2022. The case is ongoing. In parallel, two independent investigations by financial media…

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Unique Barriers to COVID-19 Vaccine Access for Black Communities

  • Dorrit Walsh
On Wednesday, May 19, 2021,Treatment Action Group (TAG), Black AIDS Institute, (BAI), and the COVID Prevention Trials Network (CoVPN) will convene a virtual news conference and roundtable discussion to disseminate findings from a soon-to-be published report: Breaking Barriers: Surveying Community Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine Research.
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Cover image of A Landscape Analysis of HIV Cure-Related Clinical Research in 2019–Community Survey

A Landscape Analysis of HIV Cure-Related Clinical Research in 2019

  • Dorrit Walsh
In 2018, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contracted TAG to undertake a survey of investigators conducting studies included in our “Research Toward a Cure” clinical trials listing. TAG conducted this second survey in the fall of 2019 to track any changes over time and provide updated information on status of the field.
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Statement on Human Challenge Studies for COVID-19 Vaccine Development

  • Dorrit Walsh
Two recent developments have brought renewed publicity to proposals to conduct human challenge studies to test COVID-19 vaccine candidates: an open letter from the organization 1DaySooner and media reports that Adrian Hill’s Oxford University research group is planning a challenge study, taking advantage of the lack of regulatory oversight of human challenge experiments in the United Kingdom.
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Treatment Action Group Statement on New HIV Remission Case Report at AIDS2020

  • Dorrit Walsh
Yesterday, a widely reported presentation by Ricardo Diaz at the ongoing virtual International AIDS Conference (AIDS2020) disclosed that one out of 30 total participants in an HIV cure-related research trial conducted in Brazil has not experienced an HIV viral load rebound for a little over a year (64.7 weeks) after interrupting antiretroviral therapy (ART).
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