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CROI 2020 TB Round Up

  • Dorrit Walsh
Treatment Action Group welcomes the flurry of tuberculosis (TB) data reported at the 2020 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). This statement includes a summary of major findings, TAG’s take on them, and a more detailed overview of key findings.
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HIV & Aging

  • Chad Cipiti
A resource listing of articles, reports, websites, and ongoing clinical trials related to HIV and aging.
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Story: American Gene Technologies HIV Gene Therapy

  • Dorrit Walsh

November 2019 Examples of media coverage:  Gene Tech Company Claims to Have Found a Cure for HIV/AIDS – NewNowNext, November 8, 2019 Researchers believe they’ve found the cure for HIV/AIDS – Pink News, November 8, 2019 Research Lab Believes They Have HIV/AIDS Cure – Instinct Magazine,…

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Cover of: A Landscape of HIV Cure-Related Trials in 2018 Analysis

A Landscape Analysis of HIV Cure-Related Clinical Trials in 2018

  • Dorrit Walsh
In August 2018, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contracted TAG to undertake a survey of investigators conducting studies included in our “Research Toward a Cure” clinical trials listing, in order to obtain more detailed information about the current landscape of HIV cure-related clinical research.
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Story: HIV Eliminated from the Genomes of Living Animals

  • Dorrit Walsh

July 2019 Examples of media coverage:  For the First Time, Researchers Eliminated HIV From the Genomes of Living Animals – TIME, July 2, 2019 Scientists eliminate HIV in the entire genome of lab mice for the first time ever: Breakthrough paves the…

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Story: Claims that “Gammora” Represents a Potential HIV Cure

  • Dorrit Walsh

October – November 2018 Examples of media coverage:  HIV cure? Major breakthrough made in eradicating deadly virus: ‘Beyond our expectations’  – Daily Star, November 1, 2018 New drug could cure HIV/Aids – Uganda Daily Monitor, November 7, 2018 Maker of ‘potential HIV…

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