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On January 21, 2021, Treatment Action Group (TAG), Health GAP, and MSF Access Campaign presented this webinar on how to engage in PEPFAR COPs advocacy and promote the prioritization of interventions that address co-infections and advanced HIV disease.

Tuberculosis (TB) and viral hepatitis co-infections and advanced HIV disease (AHD) put the lives of people living with HIV at risk, and interventions to address these must be prioritized by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and reflected in its funding allocations. The development of FY2021 Country Operational Plans (COPs) provides a critical opportunity for advocates to ensure that the latest developments in preventing, diagnosing, and treating co-infections and AHD are implemented within PEPFAR programs.

This webinar was moderated by Lotti Rutter, Health GAP’s Associate Director, International Policy and Advocacy.

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