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  • Dorrit Walsh
Supporting, Mobilizing, and Accelerating Research for Tuberculosis Elimination (SMART4TB) is a five-year cooperative agreement made possible by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with the assistance of the American people, that aims to transform tuberculosis (TB) prevention and care.
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1/4/6×24 Campaign Videos

  • Dorrit Walsh

All people affected by TB have a right to benefit from scientific progress and to access the best-available short-course regimens for TB prevention and treatment. The 1/4/6x24 Campaign demands that countries and other duty bearers take action to implement the…

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Advocating for the Integration of Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Treatment for People Who Use Drugs in PEPFAR COPs

  • Dorrit Walsh
On January 24, 2022, Treatment Action Group (TAG), World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA), Harm Reduction International (HRI), the International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD), and the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) will host a webinar, “Advocating for the Integration of Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Treatment for People Who Use Drugs in PEFPFAR COPs."
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Cover of November 2022 TAGline: Reads "TAG at 30" and is an illustration of various protest signs. "Free the Vaccine," "Silence = Death," "Cough Up the TB Money," "Stigma Spreads Disease," etc.

TAGline November 2022

  • Dorrit Walsh
This year’s edition of TAGline commemorates TAG’s 30th anniversary, and these articles explore TAG’s work over the years: what we've accomplished, what we've learned, the continuing obstacles to progress, and what comes next.
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COVID-19 and Monkeypox: When Will They End?

  • Dorrit Walsh
With the emergence of MPV and the existing COVID-19 pandemic, there is growing concern amongst communities broadly on what the future holds. On September 29, please join Treatment Action Group, Black AIDS Institute, and the Coronavirus Prevention Network (CoVPN) with special guests Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, Justin James (Twitter: @TheKingOfReads), and Larry Fellows for this free webinar.
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