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Universal Health Care and Prescription Drug Pricing

  • Chad Cipiti

Reining in prescription drug prices isn’t so much a potential benefit of universal health care, but rather a factor in its affordability and success By Tim Horn If there is one thing the majority of Americans agree on, it’s that…

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The Long Game for Health Justice

  • Chad Cipiti

Claiming and strategizing the HIV community’s role in universal health care advocacy By Suraj Madoori and Maximillian Boykin Perhaps the most impressive narrative in the lead-up to the dramatic defeats of the disastrous Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal-and-replace bills in…

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Coverage Isn’t Care

  • Chad Cipiti

Globalizing the insurance model will harm global public health By Annette Gaudino In the New York City of the 1850s, firefighting was a private enterprise. Homeowners and landlords purchased insurance plans that included protection from a dedicated fire brigade. When…

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  • Chad Cipiti

By Tim Horn With every major election, particularly one that secures or fortifies Republican control of the White House, Senate, or House of Representatives, a certain amount of worry and strategy realignment is to be expected from public health activists…

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TAGline Spring 2017

  • Chad Cipiti

With every major election, particularly one that secures or fortifies Republican control of the White House, Senate, or House of Representatives, a certain amount of worry and strategy realignment is to be expected from public health activists and civil society.…

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The New War on Drugs

  • Chad Cipiti

The 21st Century Cures Act and a right-wing war on regulations are direct threats to FDA evidentiary requirements for drugs, biologics, and devices By Tim Horn and Suraj Madoori What could possibly be wrong with legislation beamishly called the 21st…

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Just the Facts: Trump and the Devaluation of Science

  • Chad Cipiti

Mobilizing to defend biomedical research investments and scientific integrity as essential for public health, safety, and well-being By Kenyon Farrow and Mike Frick One of the more memorable moments of resistance to the Trump administration’s and GOP-controlled Congress’ plan to…

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Lessons from History for Today’s HIV Response

  • Chad Cipiti

Maintaining and expanding the accomplishments of the past depend on a fight for their survival and growth—now more than ever By Mark Harrington Today’s political situation with respect to the struggle to end HIV/AIDS, to treat all of those infected,…

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