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TAGline Fall 2015

  • Chad Cipiti
In Defense of Stringency: In response to growing public concern with health risks posed by approved drugs, a 2006 landmark report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) argued that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lacks the unambiguous authority necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of the country’s medicinal products.
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TB R&D’s Shift to the Left

  • Chad Cipiti

As the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation realigns its TB vaccine strategy to focus on early-stage candidate development, equitable access priorities must also be established before large-scale trials are conducted By Mike Frick The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has…

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C U L8ter: Hepatitis C Eradication

  • Chad Cipiti

Hepatitis C is now curable. Now all we need is surveillance to monitor it, global funding to fight it, and targets set to address it By Tracy Swan The first global targets for eliminating hepatitis C virus (HCV) will be…

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An HIV Cure and a Vaccine within the Next 15 Years?

  • Chad Cipiti

Optimism is not without merit, but the science remains incredibly fragile By Richard Jefferys We’re pretty optimistic in this 15-year period we will get those two new tools. —Bill Gates, World Economic Forum, January 23, 2015 Earlier this year, Bill…

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Toward an Ambitious National HIV/AIDS Strategy

  • Chad Cipiti

We won’t end HIV as an epidemic with anemic goals, delayed surveillance data, feeble support of state policies and resource needs, and an inadequate implementation science agenda By Kenyon Farrow The U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) ends its five-year run…

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Ending the HIV Epidemic (ETE) in New York State

  • Chad Cipiti

Not only is it the right thing to do for the health of New Yorkers, but a new analysis demonstrates that it is also cost-effective By Ginny Shubert, Housing Works; and Mark Harrington In June 2014, New York Governor Andrew…

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On Targets and Timelines

  • Chad Cipiti

By Tim Horn With growing recognition that science and discovery have forged the tools necessary to effectively diagnose, treat, and, indeed, eliminate three of the world’s most lethal infectious diseases—HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and hepatitis C—there is a need for greater mobilization…

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TAGline Spring 2015

  • Chad Cipiti
On Targets and Timelines: With growing recognition that science and discovery have forged the tools necessary to effectively diagnose, treat, and, indeed, eliminate three of the world’s most lethal infectious diseases—HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and hepatitis C—there is a need for greater mobilization and strengthened accountability among all stakeholders.
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Generics vs. the Giant

  • Chad Cipiti

For people with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB), generic linezolid may be a lifesaver. But only if quality-assured versions are available and affordable Erica Lessem As new drugs bedaquiline and delamanid offer renewed hope of treating DR-TB, doctors and programs are faced…

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Safeguarding against Stock-Outs

  • Chad Cipiti

The time has come for U.S. tuberculosis programs to have full access to the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility procurement and stockpile safety nets Kenyon Farrow Generic drugs can be credited with saving millions of lives by allowing for…

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