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Hepatitis C Treatment Access: Spotlight on Thailand/Asia

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2012 By Karyn Kaplan According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent treaties, all people have a fundamental right to the highest attainable standard of health, as well as a right to the benefits of scientific progress…

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Hepatitis C Drug Development Update from AASLD

  • Chad Cipiti

December 2012 By Tracy Swan It is difficult to be anything other than dazzled by astounding cure rates of up to 100% from a multitude of interferon-free hepatitis C virus (HCV) clinical trials presented at the American Association for the…

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Retrofitting for Purpose: Treatment Optimization

  • Chad Cipiti

JULY 2012 By Polly Clayden NOTE: a postscript section at the end of this article includes periodic updates since publication in June 2012. In June 2010, the WHO and UNAIDS launched Treatment 2.0, a strategic approach to the achievement of…

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The Pediatric Antiretroviral Pipeline

  • Chad Cipiti

By Polly Clayden NOTE: a postscript section at the end of this article includes periodic updates since publication in June 2012. In the past year—since our last Pipeline Report—there has been a flurry of activity in pediatric antiretroviral drug development…

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The Antiretroviral Pipeline

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2012 By Simon Collins NOTE: a postscript section at the end of this article includes periodic updates since publication in June 2012. Updates from CROI 2013. (March 2013) at the end of this article. INTRODUCTION Two aspects of antiretroviral…

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Introduction and Executive Summary

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2012 By Polly Clayden and Mark Harrington In nine countries, we enrolled 1763 couples in which one partner was HIV-1–positive and the other was HIV-1–negative; 54% of the subjects were from Africa, and 50% of infected partners were men.…

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The HCV Diagnostics Pipeline

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2018 by Bryn Gay Simpler Rapid, Point-of-Care Hepatitis C Diagnostics: Are We There Yet?1 To increase treatment rates and make a dent in the epidemic by 2030, countries need to scale up access to affordable, simple, rapid diagnostics, ensuring…

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The HCV Treatment Pipeline

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2018 Annette Gaudino HCV TREATMENT PIPELINE: THE DEFERRED DREAM OF TREATMENT FOR ALL Generic combinations of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), including sofosbuvir/daclatasvir show bioequivalence compared to originators with equivalent sustained virological responses (SVR). Both sofosbuvir/daclatasvir and sofosbuvir/ravidasvir demonstrate SVR rates…

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